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Have you ever thought of how to get toned abs rather than excess fat?
Have you ever thought how to get ripped muscles?
Have you ever thought of how to get fit by remaining at home only?
Have you ever wondered that all getting fit can be cheap also?
Have you ever tried many things only to get failure at last?

If yes, then this is the place for you. Health and fitness are major burning sensation in the world not only today but from time immemorial. Everybody likes to look good, be in a great shape and live a long, stress-free and healthy life. All this costs a lot of bucks, Doesn't it?

Well practically speaking, not at all. Just having discipline of strict diet and workout can do wonders. Practically because I myself have tried all the stuff mentioned below, taking advice from tons of personal trainers, doctors and physicians getting immensely satisfying results in time a lot quick than expected.

First of all we have to categorize separately for every person according to his/her body fat percentage. The body fat percentage (BFP) of a human or other living being is the total mass of fat divided by total body mass; body fat includes essential body fat and storage body fat. Essential body fat is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions.

The percentage of essential body fat for women is greater than that for men, due to the demands of childbearing and other hormonal functions. The percentage of essential fat is 2–5% in men, and 10–13% in women. Storage body fat consists of fat accumulation in adipose tissue , part of which protects internal organs in the chest and abdomen.

To get a rough idea of BFP refer this BODY FAT CALCULATOR.
On basis of the results let's categorize the people at general.
  • Men (25%+) and WOMEN (32%+) : OBESE
  • Men (15% - 19%) and WOMEN ( 22% - 26%) : AVERAGE
  • Men (8% - 14%) and WOMEN ( 16% - 20%) : FIT
Starting with the OBESE category people.
The problem is that these people are not doing much physical exercise of any sort and are particularly foody. They are food lovers and are not checking anything of which type of food should be taken and what sorts should be avoided or lessened. This is not a very good stage to be as this is the stage that poses a lot of diseases and problems as the aging occurs.

The solution is that you should be very much strict on what types of food to eat and also what kinds of exercises should be taken in consideration. The trick is too lose as much fat as we can and this can be attained by taking following kinds of food items.

If you are falling in this category then remember that you have to eat less, get more energy and lose the maximum amount of fat. Your diet must strictly be 4 or 5 meals a day and should definitely include the following items.
    Image result for pic of healthy foods
  • Grams (chana/moong in Hindi).
  • Green vegetables, boiled or just washed. 
  • Boiled egg white.
  • Oats with no mixed spices.
  • Fruits of all types. 
Eatables to avoid:
  • Rich in fat milk items.
  • Rich in Carbohydrate food items.
  • Fried or Roasted items.
  • Sugar (Use honey wherever necessary).
  • Junk food.
Exercise should be more cardio and fatiguing. It should definitely comprise these ones.
  •  Fast running.
  • Brisk walking.
  • Light jogs.
  • High knee jogs.
  • Jumping or skipping.
  • Dumbbells and light weight lifting.
  • One leg jumps.
This all must be followed very religiously and strictly to attain good and quick results. This all can be done sitting at home only and without spending a lot on gyms and equipments.

Moving to the AVERAGE category people. Most of the people come in this category and want to get fair and quick results.

Anyone promising of 2 week abs or 3 week ripped muscles is simply wasting your time. All these things take time, patience and good test of your endurance.

The process is never quick but can really promise a healthy, fit and good looking lively character, body and life.

The solution is that you should be very much strict on what types of food to eat and also what kinds of exercises should be taken in consideration. The trick is too lose as much fat as we can and gain as much muscle possible.

This can be done by cutting in the carbs intake you have and increasing the intake or proteins and vitamins.
If you are falling in this category then remember that you have to eat sufficiently to gain muscle and cautiously to lose fat.

Your diet must strictly be 6 meals a day and should definitely include the following items.
  • Grams (chana/moong in Hindi).
  • Green vegetables, boiled or just washed. 
  • Egg white.
  • Low fat dairy products excluding butter and cheese.
  • Almonds and dry fruits.
  • Oats for most part with lowest spices possible.
  • Fruits of all types. 
Eatables to avoid:
  • Rich in fat milk items.
  • Fried or Roasted items.
  • Rich in carbs eatables.
  • Sugar (Use honey wherever necessary).
  • Junk food.
Exercise should be more cardio and fatiguing. It should definitely comprise these ones.
  • Crunches.
  • Sit ups.
  • Push ups.
  • High knee jogs.
  • Jumping or skipping.
  • Dumbbells and weight lifting.
  • Planks.
  • Mountain climber.
Refer the following and side pics for greater boost in your workout and to achieve even better results.

This all must be followed very religiously and strictly to attain fair and quick results. This all can be done sitting at home only and without spending a lot on gyms and equipments.

For the FIT category, they are already doing everything right, you just have to keep going without losing track. Obviously they wouldn't be reading such articles ;-)


  • Drink a lot of water everyday.
  • Keep switching the workout techniques and fatigue yourself completely.
  • Keep up with the routine diet and workout.
  • Don't stress unnecessarily.
  • Have a good night sound sleep to increase your metabolism rate.
  • Remember the unsaid rule number 1: TIME AND DISCIPLINE CAN WORK WONDERS.
  • Remember the unsaid rule number 2: NEVER GO THREE DAYS WITHOUT WORKOUT.


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